i watched this clip several days ago when my LDS friends shared it on their facebook. at that time i just think that this clip was cute and it showed how much Heavenly Father loves us. but i really didn't think much about it. i always know that He loves me.
on Thursday 31st January, i get some sort of questions with Heavenly Father (read here my testimony). i didn't mention this in my last blog "my testimony" because when Heavenly Father give the answer to me, it didn't make senses at that time.
after Heavenly Father told me that i wasn't call to teach the world. i was so sad and i asked Him "how can i serve you , Father?" and the answer He gave me was D&C82:8-17 (read the full D&C82 )
8 And again, I say unto you, I give unto you a anewcommandment, that you may understand my will concerning you;
9 Or, in other words, I give unto you directions how you may aactbefore me, that it may bturn to you for your salvation.
10 I, the Lord, am abound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no bpromise.
11 Therefore, verily I say unto you, that it is expedient for my servants Edward Partridge and Newel K. Whitney, A. Sidney Gilbert and Sidney Rigdon, and my servant Joseph Smith, and John Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery, and W. W. Phelps and Martin Harris to be bound atogether by a bond and covenant that cannot be bbroken by transgression, except judgment shall immediately follow, in your several cstewardships—
12 To manage the affairs of the poor, and all things pertaining to the bishopric aboth in the land of Zion and in the land of Kirtland;
13 For I have consecrated the land of Kirtland in mine own due time for the benefit of the saints of the Most High, and for a astaketo Zion.
14 For aZion must increase in bbeauty, and in choliness; her borders must be enlarged; her dstakes must be strengthened; yea, verily I say unto you, Zion must earise and put on her fbeautiful garments.
15 Therefore, I give unto you this commandment, that ye bind yourselves by this covenant, and it shall be done according to the laws of the Lord.
17 And you are to be aequal, or in other words, you are to have equal bclaims on the cproperties, for the benefit of dmanaging the concerns of your stewardships, every man according to his wants and his needs, inasmuch as his wants are just—
i was like... hummmmm.... what i am suppose to do??? i had been baptize for not so long and i not sure what the Lord mean by this. it didn't make sense for me at all. i did a little study and come to know that this commandment was to have all member put their money together and share equal money with each other so everyone equal, and for other people who need more, he can have more if his need are just.
i was like...did the Lord want me to work in this field ? but how can i do that? are they going to appointed me at the church, that would be cool!! i'll wait and see how thing is going to work!
but Sunday went by and i didn't get appointed. Monday passed by and nothing happens also. and here come Tuesday,,, i went to the library in downtown and walk passed a guy , a volunteer from UNICEF (non-profit organization for children). i was looking and think about it. the Lord want me to help the poor. maybe this is an answer ?
so i went to the library and pray to asked Him about it. His first answered was confusing(it was exactly the same verse i read in the morning...still not make sense at this point so i will skip it first , i explain later when it come to make sense) so i told Heavenly Father that i am not quite smart, can He give me more direct answer? and guess what He gave me ! when i open the book of Mormon again, it was D&C82:17 that show up!! His answer was clear "help the poor" (if you are wondering why i need to pray and ask Him,, my family has financial problem at this point)
so i went out and see the UNICEF volunteer, talked to him and register to donate 15$/month (that's the maximum rate for student) i didn't think a lot when i did it. i just did what Heavenly Father told me to do.
the guy gave me a paper...a sort of "thank you" paper. i read it and i was stunned with this one sentence "As a Global parent , you are part of...." ,,, Global parent ? me? i didn't know why when i think of myself as a parent of those kids and remind me of the YouTube clip "Earthly Father, Heavenly Father". those children i helped provide money never see me before and i didn't see them either but for some reason when think about being parent make me feel closer to them. those children always know that some unknown people love them enough to spare money for them. they have hope to be provided for and cared for , just like the children in that YouTube clip that they know they are safe when their father work and provide for them :)
also it remind me of how much Heavenly Father cares for me. i never see Him but i know He is there for me. i have faith and hope in Him that He would provide for me. He knows me and love me.
it bring me to tear when i think about it.
ah, you might not see how this is related , but for me it is very much related... (woman's brain can connect everything together)
(picture from: http://littleleesjourney.blogspot.ca )
and if you interest in helping children here is UNICEF website --> http://www.unicef.ca/
talk to the UNICEF volunteer in your town :)
be a Global Parents
help the children ^^
(pictures from : www.unicef.org)